Thursday, March 18, 2010

Trustees of The Soul

my home.

the two words carry so many emotions. HOME always means comfort. any place on the earth and over the heavens with all the luxury and ambience and beauty and charm and exotism and whatever else do not compare with HOME.

relationship is like that. it can be about love, about friendship, about belongingness, why, even about hate and about jealousy. each one has its own place. nothing can compare.

prudence is in the base. lovliest of homes will not stand without a strong foundation. love will not sustain a relationship if the foundation of trust is missing.

even without a trace of any emotional bonding, relationships survive years, simply on the merit of mutual trust. despite the deepest of feelings, hearts break in the blink of an eye, due to sheer baseless suspicion.

they say it isnt easy. to trust. to believe. i say, easy and difficult are the parameters which apply to a problem. life is not a problem.


i trust.

and u do, too. trust me.

the most beautiful emotion, the strongest, and yet the most fragile, is a tie between love and trust. prudence votes for trust. of course, most of the times i'll get kicked for trusting.

what i do weighs with me. loving is beautiful. deceiving stains. distrust and suspicion, if u just think straight enuf, are basically deceit. okay, i might get kicked. but i will still be beautiful.

i will still be free to fly. nothing weighs me down. trust is my wings.

love brings me down to earth. trust takes me high up in the skies.

well. i have the sweetest home.

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